Harbor City Chapter

Harbor City Chapter No. 263, OES

Meeting Time: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 P.M.

Meeting Place: Harbor City Masonic Lodge #318
1715 Avocado Avenue
Melbourne, FL

2024-2025 Officers
Worthy Matron Elizabeth Youngs, PG Adah PM
Worthy Patron Michael Harrison PP
Associate Matron Cynthia Harrison PM
Associate Patron
Secretary Cindy Lou Downs PM cloudowns@aol.com
Treasurer Dayle Schrock, Associate Grand Patron PP
Conductress Donna Schrock, P.G.M PM Member of the Youth Committee, General Grand Chapter
Associate Conductress Susan Metcalf, Grand Instructor PM
Chaplain Betty Ann Hodur
Marshal Elaine Behrmann
Organist Nancy Hornbeck PM
Adah Cindy Jaymes, PG Esther PM
Ruth Marie Evans PM
Esther Candy Haddix PM
Martha Rhonda Sue Dieter
Electra Daphnia Missad PM
Warder Mary Jacobs PM
Sentinel  Theresa Goddard, PG Electa PP